Annual Student Festival
The annual sports and cultural celebration is organised by the students with great interest and enthusiasm. This is celebrated during the month of March-April of every academic year. There is a real buzz on the campus. It is a celebration which spans about a month. The students are actively associated in all the segments of the programme. Rather, they manage all the activities by themselves. As this day falls right next to the sports day celebration, the energy and the spirit of the students always stay high. This is an opportunity for the students to express their knack in sports like cricket, basketball, table tennis, etc., as well as in cultural talents like singing, dancing, fashion show, skits and end up with massive DJ. It is not just sports and cultural also comes up with quiz contests to pick brains and an extempore oratory contest where participants have to think on their feet.
The annual college fest of Shri Sathya Sai and Research Institute 2019, CRONOS was a grand success. The grand event spanned a total of 4 days of on stage cultural events from 24th to 27th April 2019. As many as 70 events were conducted under the sports, cultural, fine arts and literary and debating divisions. The cultural events were organized successfully by the cultural secretaries under the guidance of Vice Principals, Dr. Balaji Rajagopalan, Professor Biochemistry and Dr. Prasanna, Assistant Professor, Microbiology.
Sports Inauguration was held in the 14th march 2019 and sports events was held between 14th March 2019 to 15th April 2019. Our beloved Dean, MGMCRI, Prof. P. F. Kotur; inaugurated the sport events, accompanied by Respected Medical Superintendent Prof. Sukumaran. A,Vice-Principal (Students), Dr. Abilash and Vice-Principal (Curriculum), Dr. Saurabh. The Dean declared the meet open and it was followed by a cricket match. The sports event was organized meticulously by our Sports Secretaries with the guidance of Sports Convener Dr. Sunil Jada, Assistant Professor Microbiology.

VYUGA 2018
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College & Research Institute celebrated annual cultural festival VYUGA during 23rd tol 26th April 2018. Various events like games and sports were conducted during the different days. Our students also had organized interesting list of events. Activities outside the class room buttress the students retention and help in augmenting academic performance of the students .All round development of students is our ultimate goal and we encourage every student to open up and show his/her latent talent in various competitions and thereby help and nurture them in their overall development. Our Students performed exceptionally well in the co-curricular activities and so this unravelled the hidden talents in the students.
Annual day Celebrations were held on 25th April 2018, Honourable Vice chancellor SBV Prof. K.R. Sethuraman was the chief guest. He was accompanied by our honourable Registrar SBV, Prof. Srinivasan, Respected Controller of Examination SBV Prof. Srirangaraj, Dean SSSMCRI Prof. P. F. Kotur, Vice Principal (Curriculum) Dr. Saurabh Shrivastav & Vice Principal (Students) Dr. Vijaykumar Nair.

The student council of Shri Sathya Sai Medical College & Research Institute celebrated annual cultural festival CELESTRA 2019 during 18th to 20th April 2017.